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Facility Management

DERICHEBOURG FM is the partner at the crossroads between human resources and land resources, which helps to expand performance and improve the user experience with respect to staff and visitors.

Our custom-made, adaptable range of services comprises services in hard facilities (multi-technical building management services) and soft facilities (multi-services for the well-being of the occupants).

Our special feature rests on the combination of three strong axes: high-performance management tools, teams expert in management and data analysis and also our integrated trade resources.

Did you know?

93% of employees think that their work space is important for their health, 94% think it is important for their performance, 92% think it important for their motivation and 89% for their interpersonal relations.

Taking care of this working environment and offering a true "cooperative experience" are the keys for attracting new talent and retaining one's workforce.

Certifications and approvals


51 Chemin des Mèches, 94000 Créteil
+33 1 45 13 42 00


Maintenance multi-technique

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